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Free VCV Rack Patches and Presets

Welcome to our free VCV Rack Patches and presets page. You can loads of patches for VCV Rack and VCV Rack 2, see below for download links and descriptions of each.

See also: VCV Rack, VCV Rack Tutorial, Studio Brootle 808 Sample Pack, Studio Brootle 909 Sample Pack, Drum Pattern Guides. Also: Ableton Analog Acid Presets (and rack). And our guide to trap drums. And our VCV Rack Youtube Channel.

You can also find our paid packs at our Shopify store —> here.

Here’s a playlist of all our free VCV Rack and VCV Rack 2 patches:

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Here you can find links to download all the VCV Rack Patches:

Pulse Width 2 (With Some Dirty FM) A pulse width modulation VCV Rack Patch made using the Bog Audio VCO module with some extra FM feedback to dirty it up even more.

FM Techno Sequence And Tone. Frequency modulation using the Bog Audio modules… a bleepy modular techno workout! The top row has a clock and sequencer for the siren synth, plus a mixer, EQ and fx. The second row has the sequencer for the drums plus the drums and processing, plus a SEQ-8 to control the main sequence, and a main out. The third row is the main sequence set up to take the SEQ-8 output and quantize it to the nearest note, then it makes it into a nasty chord with the BogAudio Stack modules, and the VCV Rack Merge. Then the 5 VCO provide the sound sources with FM on most of them. The fourth row is the siren sound that is tweaked, set up similar to the FM sounds of the sequence above, but just one note is played.

VCV Rack 808. Here’s a simple 808 drum kit set up in VCV Rack. Set up with a sequencer, mixer, EQs and effects sends. You can use it as a starting point for your tracks. The patch is based around the Autodafe Drumkit Modules set to 808 sounds. They are sequenced by the SV modular drum sequencer. There’s a clock (made by Gnome), trigger by the MIDI-CV gate. This is set up so that if you press a key on the keyboard, like ‘Q’ for example, it will trigger the sequence to play. It’s mixed down with the Mix8 from BogAudio, so it can be mixed and EQ’d plus a couple of effects sends.

Jungle Sub. (Press Q to start and stop the sequence). A simple VCV Rack Patch – pitch modulated jungle style sub bass. Two BogAudio VCOs detuned against each other with an envelope to the FM input of each for that pitch diving sub sound. It’s driven with the DRIVE of the VCV Rack VCF unit. Simple but effective!

Dub Techno (132BPM). (Press Q to start and stop the sequence). Dub Techno made in VCV Rack with percussion and chords put through dub fx chains. Dub Techno made in VCV Rack with some percussion and chords put through dub fx chains… The top row is a few percussion modules, sequenced, and run through a filter that moves thanks to an LFO, then though a delay, distortion, reverb and another distortion. The second row is a sequencer for the third row plus a detuned sub bass. The third row is a chord run through a ton of effects – moving filters, distortions, delays and reverbs for a constantly evolving dub chord.

909 Techno With Reverb Rumble. (Press Q to start and stop the sequence). A 909 kit set up so a copy of the kick is reverbed and filtered down to form the sub bass techno rumble (on row 2). The rims are processed with delay and reverb, then filtered and distorted (bottom row).

VCV Rack Dub Techno (Slow 115BPM). (Press Q to start and stop the sequence). A dub techno idea at 115 bpm. A bass chord and dub techno chord, both with long delay, distortion and reverb dub delay chains. The percussion is fed into the dub delays too.

OVERVIEW OF THE PATCH: a very slow dub techno track (feel free to speed it up!). With a simple drum beat, plus 2 chords filtered and sent through dub delay / reverb fx chains with plenty of saturation in them. The drum (except for the kick are routed into one of the synths delay chains too).  One of the delays has some delay time modulation on it which drags it a bit out of tune (nicely I think). Row 1: midi to cv unit, clock, drum sequencer, drums, patch notes, step sequencer to trigger the chords, mater mixer,  scope and sound card output.

Row 2: dub chord 1: A QNT module make the notes from the sequencer in exact semitones, a OCT (so you can change octave up or down easily), 3 Bog Audio stack units combined into a Merge – these 4 modules make the incoming 1 notes into a minor chord. The 2 VCO units – one for the main chord sound, and another to frequency modulate it slightly to dirty it up. These are then shaped by a VCF filter, which is triggered by an envelope (DADSR(H)) unit to cut the chord short if needed, then a Debriatus for slight distortion. Then a Mixer unit which also acts as a VCA (the envelope earlier in the chain cuts the audio short on channel 1. Then an LFO and filter paired together to keep the filter moving before hitting the Sangster delay for the first part of the dub delay, then more distortion from Debriatus, plus another dub filter and lfo combo, then reverb from Surge for that nice dub reverb effect (not all reverb units allow polyphonic sound through them in VCV Rack, this was the only one I could find), then more saturation from Debriatus, then a second delay and reverb for a really dubbed out sound. The last delay in this row has some delay time modulation which drags it a bit out of tune (nicely I think).

Row 3: dub chord 2: this is very similar to row 3, but a different chord set up, and lower and triggered from the 16-step sequencer.

Techno Hot Sinewave Sequence. (press Q to start and stop the sequence). A hot/saturated sinewave sequence that builds using drive distortion, filtering, and EQ. The SHAPER+ module is used like a VCA, it has a Signal setting on it that drive the signal hard. That and the filter, plus the distortion units and reverb give the lead a really nice overdriven quality.

Trip Hop-ish One. (press Q to start and stop the sequence). A fairly simple beat sequenced by the SV Modular Drum Sequencer. With a bassline on an FM-OP. Plus another FM-OP for that synth sound. The bass line goes into the final output, but the others parts are all split and sent to 2 mixers – one of which is processed with a a filter (moving with an LFO) then a Sangster delay, distortion, Serge reverb and another distortion for a thick muddy dub delay effect.

808 Techno With Reverb Rumble. (press Q to start and stop the sequence). A tr-808 style drum kit set up for techno… Top Row: The patch is sequenced by the Gnome clock and SV Modular Drum Sequencer. It has a huge distorted and compressed 808 kick. Second Row: A booming sub bass is created by filtered reverb on a kick, then distorting and EQing it. Then it is sidechained with the kick so they mix well. Third Row: the rest of the 808 sounds, mixer and effects.

140BPM Glitchy Electro. (press ‘Q’ to stop and start the loop). A Gnome Clock sets the bpm and the SV Modular Drum Sequencer triggers all parts (there are only three: a kick, snare and bass hit). The kick is fed into a BogAudio filter with high resonance, and this is unit is tweaked by an LFO for some nice filter movement. Then the same sort of set up for the snare but with different timing. The snare is distorted by the Debriatus module, and fed through a tight delay feedback and reverb. The second row has the main output, plus the bass hit (keyed at D1 by the BogAudio Reftone), and a Bog Audio VCO, VCA, and ADSR unit, plus a VCV Rack ADSR unit to control the FM of the VCO (this can be tweaked to change the pitch characteristics of the bass sound, then a filter with Debriatus distortion before and after it for added beef!

VCV Rack Acid Techno Patch. Here’s my take on acid techno. This a loop, not an entire track, it’s there to tweak as you like. It is using free modules to piece together what a tb303 clone would do: sequencer, filter, oscillator and accent etc. It is not an exact match to a Roland tb-303, but I think it is a great starting point for modular acid techno.

Row 1: Distorted percussion using Debriatus: There is various percussion – tom, hats and snare. These are each run through the Debriatus distortion module, which is made by Vult. An essential module for me – it does 4 types of distortion simultaneously. The tom is distorted and soaked in reverb and then distorted again to add that big reverberating tom sound at the end of the bar that you can hear that comes in halfway through the audio example above.

Row 2: TB-303 VCV Rack: Next, the acid sequencer: I used the excellent Phrase-Seq-16 from Impromtu, they do a ton of great modules. It’s a 6 note seq – I really like a shorter-than-the-bar sequence length to give it a rolling feel as it repeats. The the Clock (‘Clocked’ also by Impromptu) is set to restart the sequence for each bar. For the actual acid oscillator I used ‘ACID’ by RJModules It is not an exact replica of the Roland tb303 – it has a lot of extras including 2 oscillators. The filter and resonance are not 100% accurate compared the original machine, which it fine by me, but with it’s extra features the module is a beast of an acid machine.
I then distorted it, added reverb and EQ’d it.

Row 3: Techno kick and bass: For a big bottom end to the drum loop: there is a kick, and rumble sub (a sub bass made from the kick). In my example the kick could do with turning up a bit t.b.h. (I had already uploaded it and made the audio at the time of writing!) 

VCV Rack Patch: Electro. A drum sequencer powers a tough 2 bar broken electro beat. Plus a ‘vocal’ stab and a big bass sequence with multiple modulations from the sequencer…

Row 1: Clock and Mixer set up: has a clock on the left, then mixers on the right, with effects sends: distortion and reverb.

Row 2: 808-style Drum Loop with Trummor2: has a Drum Sequencer that runs for 2 bars (sequence 1 and 2). A real simple beat with a kick, open and closed hats and a snare (which, like the 80s 808 electro tracks, has a clap and snare hit at the same time for a massive wall-of-sound snare). The clap-snare is also distorted, delayed and eq’d. I used a VCA on the open hat as I wanted to cut it a bit shorter and as you cannot do that in the ‘OPEN HIHAT’ module.

Row 3: has the ‘vocal’ stab, which is a copy of the row below (hence some unused modules in it as I left them in after copying it) but I use the VOWL setting on the Macro Oscillator and make it hit on the first note of the bar and then delay it. A lot of electro tracks have a big stab on the first beat, I intended to make a big chord hit, but found this vowel sound and liked it.

Row 4: the meaty bass sequence that uses the Marco Oscillator. The first row of the sequencer controls the notes, the second controls FM modulation, and timbre. The third row of the sequencer modulates color. The 3 QNT units quantise the notes from the sequencer into musical intervals (like notes on a piano, so they don’t fall on off-key notes in between). The OCT module is so you can easily change the tuning up or down multiple octaves.

Detuned Techno in VCV Rack (With Free Modules). The Techno Reverb Rumble Kick: Row 1: Firstly I set up the Drum sequencer, which is from the ‘Drum Kit’ by SV Modular in the VCV Rack library. It’s an easy to use sequencer for percussion. The set up I made here is really similar to our other VCV Rack patch we posted ‘VCV Rack Techno Rumble Kick’. It is a popular production technique for making a sub bass in techno by using the kick drum for the sub bass by adding reverb. Look at the image and you can see there is also a clock telling the drum sequencer what bpm to play. The Midi-cv unit just tells the clock to play with a midi note (i.e. you can press ‘Q’ on your keyboard to start and stop the entire sequence). The drum sequencer tells the kick, hats and snares when to trigger.

Row 2: The kick: this row is just the kick and the booming rumble from the kick, used as a sub bass. You can turn down all the mixer channels except 1 and 2 to hear what is happening here (or mute them using the buttons at the top of each channel). The Trummor2 is an immense drum module – some of the free drum modules are quite simple – but this has a lot more parameters. I made a kick drum from it and then I sent the kick to the mixer. Making the sub bass out of the kick (also in Row 2): I also sent the kick with a second cable to a reverb unit and processed it with a filter (with an adsr envelope on the filter to shorten the booming reverb) and EQ’d it for taste so the reverb is short and only in the low end. This is a technique used in many techno styles from classic 90s Tresor bangers to modern day Drumcode arena tools.

Row 3: other percussion – hats and snares – This row is dedicated to the other percussion, which is all processed with distortion. They are all sequenced by the Drum Sequencer in the first row. There is an open hat distorted with the Debriatus, followed by a closed hat and then a snare, all distorted. The Debriatus is my go to distortion in VCV rack – you can mix in four distortion types, all at the same time of you like.

I added a filtered reverb to the snare, it is a bit over top, but I think it gives the drums a lot of character.

Row 4 . The Detuned Techno Sequence using SEQ-3 – this row is dedicated to the detuned sequence. This whole row is made up of very simple default VCV Rack units. The SEQ-3 is triggered by the main clock, and it tells the 2 VCO-1 units what notes to play and when. The sequencer is set to 5 steps to get that rolling techno sound. So it loops more than twice per bar. The two VCOs are detuned against each other (i.e. I pitched one up and one down) for that nasty Birmingham influenced sound. Then it runs through a VCA and VCF (both envelope modulated to control the amplitude and filtering of the sound). The VCF is also modulated by the SEQ-3 (row 2) – you can get some really ‘modular’ sequences by tweaking the filter too.

Row 5 – Mixer with Aux Sends – I used the Rex Mix mixer as it has an EQ and a couple of aux sends – which I use to add more distortion to the drums and Reverb to the snare and sequence. There is a lot of reverb in the mix on the sequence – turn it off on the blue aux send on channel six and mix it back in and you can hear the effect it has on the sequence.

EBM Techno in VCV Rack. (Press Q to start and stop the sequence).

ROW 1: Drums. In the first row of the file I set up a Drum Sequencer (clocked from the Gnome unit in the second row). It plays a simple kick/snare/hi-hat pattern, and is mixed down and EQ’d and processed by the mixer. Reverb and distortion sends are added to taste. We want a nice industrial reverbed snare and EQ’d, distorted drums.

ROW 2: EBM Techno Sequence. The excellent Phrase-SEQ-16 acid-style sequencer is clocked by the Gnome clock unit. The sequencer outputs notes and gate CV, but also Gate 2 is set up to make the VCA open more on some notes by linking it’s output to the Envelope Decay. This is to add variation to the sequence and make certain notes stand out. There are 2 BogAudio XCO Oscillator units, which are some of my favourite Oscillators in VCV Rack – they have a simple layout and routing but also capable of complex sounds and easy FM routing. A lot of classic EBM bassline lines use two detuned saw waves – so I use the 2 saw wave outputs from the XCO’s. The two units are set to the same tuning, but there is a ‘detune’ unit before them to globally detune them. You can also use the FM knob on the Oscillators to if you like, for a more metallic industrial sound.
The signal is mixed at the mixer and then distorted with Debriatus. Then there is the VCA and it’s envelope – set for a shorter more gated sound, which suits these industrial rhythmic bass sequences well.

ROW 3: Sequenced Filter. In the 3rd row the signal is taken from the row above and filtered and distorted more. Modulating the filter is a popular technique in many classic EBM and industrial tracks – it adds nice movement to the sequence. So I copied the Phrase-SEQ-16 from the row above and changed a few notes. I also make the sequence shorter to five notes, which gives it a rolling feel. And set the note cv to control a filter envelope. The higher the notes the more the filter envelope Decay and Release will be. This results in longer notes through the filter when there is a high note on the sequencer, so not all notes are the same length. I add drive at the filter and add another Debriatus unit for more overdrive and distortion.

Here’s a list of the brands of the modules used in the file, so you can easily subscribe to them and load the file quickly:

Autodafe Drum Kit
SV Modular

Bleepy Techno Sequence. (Press Q to start and stop the sequence).

Here is a VCV Rack file with a structure for making bleepy techno, this one is influenced by Oscar Mulero’s 90s output and Robert Hoods early minimal techno. I love bleepy 101 arps aswell as the looped, step sequenced techno that Sleep Archive has done more recently. This is our modern take on bleepy sinewave sequence driven techno, fairly pacey at 137 bpm. As ever – you can download the file below and use it as a starting point for your own tracks.

The top row is a drum sequencer, 2 different hi-hats, then a big kick, mixed down on the mixer at the end of the row with some send FX.

We then set up the bleep sequence in the second row, which is made with 3 Bog-audio FM-OP units. Two of the units are routed to the mixer, and they are detuned against each other (using BogAudio’s handy detune module). And then I add a third FM-OP (sequenced with the same Phrase Seq module) to frequency modulate the other 2 units (via VCA and ADSR to control how much FM happens per notes) – this gives the sequence that spacey sinewave FM sound.

The third row is the sub-bass sequence. A very short sequence that repeats 4 times a bar, for each kick, that a triggers a sinewave, which is filtered down and slightly distorted/driven by the VCF, for a pulsating, rhythmic sub bass line.

Industrial Techno. (Press Q to start and stop the sequence).

Row 1: The Kick and Sub Bass. The top 2 rows are mainly percussion – the top row is a kick and rumble sub made from the kick by processing it with reverb. For the bass and the kick I use this parametric EQ from Mindmeld – it is great for mixing bass as it has a frequency analyser so you can see what you are doing as well as hear it – a rumble sub like this can get muddy quickly.

Row 2: Hats and Snare. I set the hi-hats up in the second row, and that industrial woody snare which makes up an important part of the groove. We then process these with delay/eq/distortion from Nozoid. I love these Nozoid modules as the EQ is simple, the distortion sounds good but doesn’t over do it and the delay is syncable to the clock. Then at the end of the row there a mixer where everything is mixed down with reverb and distortion send fx. I like the aux-sends on this mixer, not many of the free mixer modules do aux-sends out of the box.

Rows 3 and 4: the Siren-tones: We set the third and fourth rows up for the industrial tones – a row for each of the tones. A lot of techno leads use detuned sounds like this- 2 oscillators that are very similar but one is slightly higher in pitch and the other is slightly lower. These sorts of detuned sounds can sound really phat and often dark and sinister. BogAudio has a module to move both oscillator’s pitches in different directions the same amount, which is nice so it does it uniformly with one knob, so I use that for the detune amount. Then I use 2 of BogAudio’s VCO’s (detuned against each other as I mentioned) and I add some internal FM to phatten the sound even more (I take one of the the modules unused outputs and route it to the FM input, and turn the FM know up), then it is processed with distortion, EQ and reverb.

VCV Rack 909. (Press Q to start and stop the sequence).

The patch is based around the Autodafe Drumkit Modules set to 909 sounds. They are sequenced by the SV modular drum sequencer. There’s a clock (made by Gnome), trigger by the MIDI-CV gate.
This is set up so that if you press a key on the keyboard, like ‘Q’ for example, it will trigger the sequence to play.
It’s mixed down with the Mix8 from BogAudio, so it can be mixed and EQ’d plus a couple of effects sends.

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